
Foundation Initiatives

Since the John X Foundations inception we’ve supported a number of worthy causes, both Humanitarian and Conservation based. Many are still current today, while others have realized the value of our donor contributions.

WHO and WHAT have we supported?

  • The Carlisle Bridge Farm School – Supporting our local communities schooling of the young out in the country.
  • Everyone Deserves to Play - A partnership between the John X Foundation & Blood Origins.
  • The John X JR Hunters Course for previously disadvantaged kids from our local communities.
  • Cape Mountain Zebra introduction and breeding program since 2012.
  • The Amasango Career School and Orphanage for homeless boys formerly living on the streets of Grahamstown.
  • The Small Cats Initiative – We brought back Serval and African Wildcat to the Eastern Cape.
  • Nomzamo Preschool - The township toddler preschool program.
  • The Cheetah Project - Our involvement in this program has seen successful breeding pairs stock many further conservation areas with their offspring throughout Southern Africa.