Cape Buffalo Hunts
Robert Ruark had a fantastic description for these beasts in his book, Horn of the Hunter; “He looks at you as if you owe him money. I never saw such malevolence in the eyes of any animal or human being before or since.” And how true his observation was.
The Buffalo holds a unique position among the dangerous game species of Africa. They are smart, cunning, big, and they are a formidable foe. One should never be gung-ho, and allow your bravado to get the better of you when hunting Buffalo as, be warned, this is when they will likely get the better of you.
Coming face to face with a Dagga Boy in the thickets is an unimaginable adrenalin rush. Seeing a hunter shiver with anticipation as one tracks these weary old bulls at close quarters is an experience second to none.
Hunting Cape Buffalo from our southern base, Woodlands Safari Estate, is arguably the finest Buffalo hunting experience in the Eastern Cape. With large numbers and weary old bulls spread across 30 000 acres, the hunter will be left in agreement with Harry Tennison, as he eloquently described the relationship between hunting and Cape Buffalo; “You don’t get engaged to a Cape Buffalo, you get married to him - for life - his or yours. Not as fast as a Lion or as rapid as a Leopard, not as large as an Elephant, not as bad tempered as a Black Rhino, but committed to one thing – living”.
It’s a challenge not be taken lightly, but one to revel in. It’s the ultimate hunt, with the ultimate foe.